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It is a new season for our Charity Lighthouse of God Ministries.

A lot is going on..

We need to continue feeding our 600 orphans/needy Children in Kibera Slum. That takes priority. We need your urgent help with this. The children are hungry and your help can continue to save life's.

Our Latest Project is our Secondary School Project. its going well. the first class room and Science lab has been built. We just need now funds to get an Technical Electrician to complete our Lab, and funds for science equipment, and books and stationary and wages for new teacher.

total needed is £1500.

the Charity runs by faith and thanks to Lighthouse supporters we have accomplished so much over the last 20 years.

by starting this classroom for secondary School 30 children age 14 to 16 year olds can continue with their education.

You have to pay to go to school in Kenya. These children can not afford to continue with their Schooling and will end up back on the streets in the slum, which we want to avoid, so it is exciting to continue with this project to see young lives changed.

Thankyou for your help.

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