Company Number : 05212627 • Charity Number : 1106326
Email : lighthouseofgod@hotmail.com • Phone : 07961 361363

Working towards making a better, brighter future for orphans and needy children in slums.

Charity Organization in Aberdare, Lighthouse of God Ministries, is dedicated to empowering the community through social charity initiatives.

About us
"Make a
Child Smile"
is our motto.
Reverend Michelle Warren started this Charity in 2004. Here at Lighthouse of God Ministries, Michelle has a passion to help orphans and street children.
Kibera Slum
Nairobi, Kenya
Kibera is possibly the largest slum in Africa.
Gangs runs this slum. People have to pay to live in a shack, which is made of corrugated iron with mud floor. Children living on the street are very vulnerable due to criminal sex trade, drug runs and witchcraft killing rituals.
Children can also be kidnapped, (dislocated they call it. Killed for their organs and much more).
We take the children of the street with permission from Kenya Authorities, and then get a guardian to look after them and place them into St Stephens School, to a place of safety.

Ways to Help
(What needy cause, jumps out at you...)

Provide nutritious meals to children in the slum.
Provide teaching materials, books, and educational resources to enhance the learning experience.
Establish scholarship programs to enable children in the slum to access quality education, covering school fees, uniforms, and supplies.
Maintenance of school
Provide funding or donations for essential medications, medical supplies, and equipment.
Promote health education and hygiene practices to prevent the spread of diseases within the community.
To donate please see/press the donate buttons.
We have one £donate button and one $donate button, where you can pay by Card.
You can also send a check too:-
Lighthouse Of God Ministries,
Lighthouse Charity Shop.
9 Market Street. Aberdare CF44 7DY.
Please write on back of check what you would like funds to go too.
Many thanks.
Clean Drinking Water
Thanks to sponsors help we have got clean drinking water into the school through piping. The children can now wash their hands before eating, and also have clean water to cook with.
Before families and children had to drink polluted water from the stream.
Many people wash their clothes in this water if they cannot afford to buy clean water too.

![environment 3 166[5808].JPG](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e14e14_06fcb82ec3494b108839df840559e69a~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_490,h_653,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/e14e14_06fcb82ec3494b108839df840559e69a~mv2.jpg)
There is no clean running water in Kibera.
It is impossible to dig wells as you can not get through.
It is back to back shack/peoples homes.
The stream that passes through Kibera contains raw sewage and rubbish as well as Parasites, Dysentery and other Diseases.​
We take it for granted here in the UK. We get up and use a toilet, brush our teeth, wash/shower. bath. They have no running water, no toilets, so they have to go out side their home in front of everyone where their is no dignity, no hope.
When things get tough, families end up living in Slums. They struggle as their is very few jobs and no benefits.
These shacks are peoples homes.
Most children and families sleep on potato sacks. (We would not even put a pig in those conditions), and they have to pay rent for them!
Any donation can save a life! thankyou